A speech report example can make your paperwork duties so much simpler, trust me! Keep reading for all of my speech therapy report writing tips and a free speech evaluation report example.
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Speech Therapy Report Writing
If you are just starting out in the schools (or any new setting I imagine), then the data-tracking and the paperwork in general can be overwhelming! I create and use templates to make the paperwork process a bit easier and less time-consuming. Want to check out one of my templates? Head over to my free resource library to download a copy of my report-writing template and see if it helps you as much as it helps me.

Report Writing Speech and Language Therapy
Your speech and language reports should include all the information required in your setting and state, but also be easy to read for families and other professionals who are not in our field. Make sure you are using more than one measure (whether it be norm or criterion-referenced) and that you provide a description of each measure. Along with standard scores (and the average ranges), you should be sure to include strengths and weaknesses so that another practitioner who may see your report knows exactly how the child/client performed on the assessments.
Articulation Evaluation Report
In an articulation evaluation report, along with the above information, you should also be sure to include an oral peripheral exam (with descriptions of any abnormalities) and an intelligibility rating. You can use the sounds-in-sentences portions of a standardized measure (such as the CAAP or GFTA) or record and transcribe a quick speech sample. For my private clients, I also like for families to share an intelligibility percentage for familiar and unfamiliar listeners.

Language Evaluation Report
In a language evaluation, it is important to be sure to include not just a global measure but at least one secondary measure as to support your findings. For example, if your global measures shows weaknesses in vocabulary and grammar, you might provide a secondary measure that looks specifically at receptive and expressive vocabulary (such as the CREVT-3, one of my favorites) and a language sample to look at sentence structure and morphological errors.
Dynamic assessment can help you look at not only a student’s strengths and weaknesses, but also help to show how they may respond to interventions. This method is extremely beneficial in the evaluation process, especially when working with diverse backgrounds. For more information about dynamic assessment, check out this information from ASHA.

For a story retell sample, I use a free assessment from Language Dynamics (the CUBED) as a pre/post-test or progress monitoring to see what my students’ need to work on. There are also add-on lessons to help address vocabulary and complex sentence structure, they’ve really thought of everything. I highly recommend checking it out! They also include a Spanish version if you are in need of bilingual materials. I have attended a few of their trainings as well and I highly recommend them.
Evaluation: Speech Therapy Report Writing Example

Speech Evaluation Report Example
Key information that should be included:
- Background Information
- Evaluation Procedures/TestingEnvironment
- Observations
- Formal Speech Evaluation Results
- Oral Peripheral Exam
- Speech Sample and/or Informal Measures
- Results
- Recommendations
Language Evaluation Report Example
Key information that should be included:
- Background Information
- Evaluation Procedures/TestingEnvironment
- Observations
- Formal Language Evaluation Results
- Language Sample and/or Informal Language Measures
- Results
- Recommendations
Sample Speech Evaluation
Looking at a variety of samples and templates can help you create your own templates and therefore streamline your documentation process. I know every setting is a bit different with a variety of rules and regulations, so make sure you take those into account as you look through these examples and as you create your own.

Diagnostic Report Example – SLP Freebies
There are quite a few examples on ASHA’s website for specific evaluations and I have linked a few for you below:
Voice Evaluation Template -ASHA
Swallowing Evaluation Template ASHA
Motor Speech Disorders Template – ASHA
Head over to my free resource library to download a copy of my report-writing template and see if it helps you as much as it has helped me.
*Please note that this information is based on the requirements of my settings and what I understand to be best practice in my state of practice. Please be sure to research state eligibility and report criteria in your area and state of practice.
More Speech Report Example Ideas:
How To Write A Speech Report Like A Rockstar from The Dabbling Speechie
Speech Pathology Report Template from Beyond Speech
An SLP’s 8 Favorite TIME SAVING TIPS for Writing Evaluation Reports from Speech Room News
Don’t forget to check out my freebie library, access it here:
I hope you found the information about using a speech report example to improve your report writing helpful. Please leave a comment or shoot me an email if you want to share some of your tips for streamlining your report writing.