How to use these no-prep speech therapy articulation activities in your therapy room! Looking for the perfect articulation activities to add to your collection? These speech worksheets are great for phonological cycles approach and traditional speech therapy techniques to address tons of speech therapy articulation goals.
If you want a free sample of these worksheets (with a fun Halloween theme) as well as access to some of my favorite freebies, enter your email below:
Speech Worksheets for the Whole Year
Who doesn’t love a good theme for therapy? I like to have a general idea of what topics I am going to hit during the school year, leaving some flexibility for student interests and current topics/events. You can fit all kinds of different activities for all varieties of goals into almost any theme. So even working with a variety of ages (grades K – 5th for me) and individual needs, I can still stick to the same overall themes and differentiate based on abilities and needs.
I start with my four main units based on seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. These are my main themes and I work in holidays and other units in between them as I can.
Over in my store, I have tons of products and bundles based around each season that are little to no prep and ready to go.

Articulation Activities – Speech Therapy
I have a bundle of articulation worksheets for Back to School, Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
Articulation activities – speech therapy bundle for all year round! Speech worksheets for every season are included in this articulation activities speech therapy bundle. Over 400 everyday speech worksheets and articulation activities to be used in therapy to elicit multiple trials or to send home for extra practice. Needing more preschool articulation activities? These speech-language worksheets include multiple targets (see below) and appropriate speech worksheets for preschoolers and speech worksheets for kindergarten.
What’s Included in each set (5 sets total):
Sounds included: CV & VC words, CVC words, multisyllabic words, /k, g/, /t, d/, /s, z/ /s/ blends, /l, r/, /l/ blends, /r/ blends, & /sh, ch, dg/
Speech worksheets pdf:
- Roll & Color pages for all sounds + 1 blank
- Stamp and Say Pages (3 styles) for all sounds + 3 blank
- Cut & Paste picture scenes (3 styles) for all sounds
Speech and Language:
For speech and language activities, all in one, check out these seasonally-themed bundles that I currently have available.
Spring Speech Language Activities Bundle
Summer Speech Language Activities Bundle
Fall Speech Language Activities Bundle
Winter Speeech Language Activities {Growing Bundle}
Or get the whole set in the (currently growing bundle) here!
Each set contains the articulation worksheets for that season, color by codes for articulation, graphic organizers for describing and writing, and cute themed crafts.

Thematic units
Other themes that I like to use throughout the year include:
- Back to School/Get to Know You
- Farm (during the Fall season)
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas
- Arctic Animals
- Valentines Day
- Space
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Easter
- Camping
- Ocean/Beach
See What Other SLPs are Saying About These Worksheets
Karen rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“Love the no-prep resources and love that it is seasonal to cover the entire school year! What a time-saver!”
Beth rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“Easy to use on the whiteboard with annotation. The kids like these games.”
Annie rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“Love this resource for articulation sessions. It elicits a lot of responses, but the students still feel like they are playing a game and it is fun. Great resource.”
Stephanie rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“Great hands on resource! Very engaging for my students and no-prep…just print and go! I definitely recommend this resource!!”

Speech Language Calendar of Activities
For my younger classes and full-time ESE classes, I like to collaborate with the teachers on what themes they are using to help carry over these concepts. A lot of time times, at the beginning of the year, we will do a unit on the sun and moon, weather, and seasons. Working together to make sure we are using the same vocabulary and concepts is a huge help to our kids and keeps everyone on the same page. Working together is beneficial for everyone involved!
Freebie Theme Calendar for Planning
Check out this free, themed planning sheet in my freebie library to plan out your therapy themes for the whole year!

Elementary and Preschool Articulation Activities
Articulation Activities – Preschool
We all know that preschoolers do not have the longest attention spans and it can be difficult to keep them on task for a significant period of time. So typical drill, at the therapy table therapy, is probably not going to be the way to go. So instead, we play! Play therapy will get you the most bang for your buck, especially with these littles.
Here is an example of using play therapy, following the child’s lead (in this case my son, age 3), and using their interests to lead therapy planning.
Click here to see the example video.

Some more of my favorite activities for littles are listed below:
- Blocks
- Cars
- Puzzles
- Short Books
- Crafts
Articulation Activities – Elementary
These are some of my favorite activities for Kindergarteners:
- Coloring
- Blocks
- Cars
- Puzzles
- Short Books
- Crafts
Anything to keep their little hands busy!
My daughter found these cute blocks in the dollar spot at Target one day and we got some for home and for my kiddos at school. There are so many possibilities with these… keeping hands busy while waiting their turns, earning pieces for each number of trials, roll a dice for pieces on each turn, etc. I love watching what my students think up to make!

For older students, I love using color by code sheets, games, and digital materials to keep their attentions during articulation therapy.
I have a bunch of color by code for articulation activities in my store. You can find them all here!
More Speech Therapy Articulation Activities and Ideas:
50 Fun and Easy Articulation Activities for Speech Therapy from AnnaDeeSLP
6 Engaging (and Simple) Articulation Games for Speech Therapy from The Pedi Speechie
Don’t forget to check out my freebie library, access it here:
I hope you found the information about speech therapy articulation activities helpful. Please leave a comment or shoot me an email if you want to share some of your favorite speech therapy articulation activities.