How to use a speech therapy picture scene in your sessions today! These speech therapy picture scenes for articulation can be used in carryover activities such as describing and story-telling. These can also be used at home – perfect for carry-over with speech therapy picture scenes. These pediatric speech therapy picture scenes are perfect for your preschool and elementary students.
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Pediatric Speech Therapy Picture Scenes
I don’t know about you, but I struggle to find activities for my students who are working on articulation at the carryover level. I love working on articulation and I feel like the activities are endless when working on target sounds at the sound, word, and sentence levels. But after that? Especially for our younger students and non-readers… so challenging to find activities.
That’s why I created these picture scenes for articulation! They are perfect for working on carryover and there are multiple options for each sound.

Why Use These Picture Scenes?
- Mixed groups: It can be so difficult to find activities that fit the needs of multiple students with all different goals in one group. But these picture scenes are perfect to adapt for any articulation or language goal.
- Pick out words to address at the word, phrase, or sentence level for articulation drill
- Work on carryover of articulation skills in describing and story-telling tasks
- Have students make up a story about the picture to address story-retell and grammar goals
- Ask questions about the picture to address wh question and vocabulary goals
- Have students describe the scene to work on vocabulary and grammar goals
- Non-readers: Finding carryover activities for students who are not yet reading or struggle with reading can be very difficult. Many carryover activities rely on reading/literacy skills and require the student to read aloud. But what about our students who are not quite ready for that yet? There are perfect in that situation.
- Younger students: I come across this situation a lot actually. Younger students who are making excellent, quick progress in drill, are ready for more carryover activities, but they aren’t yet reading lengthier passages. We can’t just pull out a reading passage or even sentences to read for them, so what can we quickly grab to address these skills with this population? These picture scenes!

Speech Therapy Picture Scenes
So what exactly comes in this resource?
Included are 19 color and 19 black and white sound-loaded picture scenes to work on articulation in carry-over activities such as describing and story generation. The following sounds are included:
- initial /r/
- /r/ blends
- vocalic /r/
- /l/
- /l/ blends
- /s, z/
- /s/ blends
- /sh/
- /ch/
- /dg/
- /th/
Word lists for each picture scene are also included to check off sounds, as data collection, or to help provide prompts as needed.
How to Use the Speech Therapy Picture Scenes for Describing
This is how I use them in my speech room. I print and laminate the color scenes so I can reuse them over and over. I also print the black-and-white scenes and copy them for each student so they can color it during the session and then take it home for extra practice. This is a great way to use these, especially for our younger students.

No Print Options for the Picture Scenes
Looking for a no-print option? Maybe to save paper and prep time or to use in a teletherapy session. Just pull up the color pictures on your iPad or computer and display the correct scene for your needed target sounds. So simple!

At-Home Speech Therapy Picture Scenes
For those families who want extra practice for home, just print out the black and white picture scene for the targeted sound, the corresponding word list for that scene, staple it, and send it home with the student. They can get so much extra practice at home with this resource!
Speech Therapy Picture Scenes Free
Still wondering if you want to dive in and start using picture scenes in your sessions? Try a couple of these free options first.
Create Your Own Picture Scene
Maybe you want to try making some of your own (if you have the time). First, find some free background images online, and print a variety for your students. Next, print out copies of your favorite sound sheets (I have some options in my store). Then have your students color, cut, and paste to create their own sound-packed picture scenes.
More Free Speech Therapy Picture Scenes
If you want to try a sample of my picture scenes for free, check these out in my freebie library.

More Speech Therapy Picture Scene Ideas:
Picture Scenes for Articulation Speech Therapy from The Dabbling Speechie
Don’t forget to check out my freebie library, access it here:
I hope you found the information about using a speech therapy picture scene in your sessions helpful and can use this information to guide carryover activities with your own students and clients. Please leave a comment or shoot me an email if you want to share some of your favorite ways to use a speech therapy picture scene in therapy.