How to use these no-prep speech therapy worksheets in your therapy room! Looking for the perfect speech therapy articulation activities to add to your collection? These worksheets are great for phonological cycles approach and traditional speech therapy techniques to address tons of speech therapy articulation goals.
If you want a free sample of these worksheets (to address /s/ blends) as well as access to some of my favorite freebies, enter your email below:
Speech Therapy Worksheets
Let’s be real for a second, how much time do we actually get to set aside for planning therapy when in the school setting? Not a whole lot, right!? These worksheets take zero prep time, just print the sounds you need and go. I print the whole bundle and keep it in a binder so I can grab and copy as I need. This works perfectly for my groups, especially those groups who need more of a cycles approach. These worksheets offer tons of opportunities for repetition as well as modeling. And bonus, there are language skills worked into them too!

Speech Therapy Worksheet
A speech therapy worksheet bundle to fit all your therapy needs! Each speech therapy worksheet included in this bundle has everything you need to address a variety of speech therapy articulation goals. These speech therapy worksheets will help you address a variety of speech sound disorders and phonological processes. The speech therapy articulation activities in this bundle can be used in isolation to target students’ articulation goals or they are also perfect to use within the cycles approach.
The one-page activities for speech therapy – articulation disorders and phonological processing disorders – are a simple way to target sounds and patterns with multiple trials and very little prep time.

They target a variety of speech therapy articulation goals with simple speech therapy articulation exercises at the word level and speech therapy sentences practice.
What’s Included in each set
- target words with pictures
- coloring pages to use as reinforcers or home practice
- sentence completion pages
- “wh” questions
- bonus coloring pages
Tips for Use:
- Use the target word pages to teach the sound patterns, use for drill/repetition, student coloring pages, or homework
- Use the reinforcer pages with or without a dice for additional practice
- Use the sentence completion tasks to target in connected speech
- Use the “wh” questions pages to target language goals while still getting in additional trials for speech targets
- Send copies of any of the pages home for practice with instructions for parents or keep in student folder that goes between school and home
- Sounds/patterns currently included: final consonant deletion, CV, VC, CVC, CVCV words, initial and final /s/ blends, /l, r/ and blends, /k, g/, /f, v/, and /s, z, sh, ch, J, th, TH/.
See What Other SLPs are Saying About These Worksheets
Kimberly rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“This is such a fun and easy way to send home practice for speech and language skills!”
Nolan rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“I love these worksheets!”
Elizabeth rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“A great resource to quickly pull for students! Almost all of my students have enjoyed using these pages and it is very easy for them to comprehend!”
Robyn rated the worksheets 5 out of 5 stars: Extremely satisfied.
“Super helpful, great resource, good visuals. I loved using these during sessions, and then sending home with the children to practice.”

Speech Therapy for Articulation
Smart goals are goals that are written to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based. Let’s break some of these down.
Below are some example SMART IEP goals that I may write for my students working on articulation.
Speech Therapy Articulation Goals
- By the end of this IEP cycle, STUDENT will accurately produce the following sounds: _________ in words and phrases with 80% accuracy as measured by therapy data and observations.
- During structured therapy tasks, STUDENT well accurately produced CVCVCV words (E.g., animal, tomato) with 80% accuracy as measured by therapy data and observation.

A speech IEP goals bank is a great place to start when writing a new IEP. This is especially true when you are new to the schools. While absolutely IEP goals fro speech should always be individualized, it doesn’t hurt to have a place to start. My IEP goals bank is a brief, but inclusive list of a variety of goals. These goals target various areas of speech and language therapy.
Speech Therapy Techniques
Visual & Verbal Cues:
- Modeling
- Pointing to/drawing attention to your mouth/articulators
- Using a mirror so they can see their own articulators
- Auditory Bombardment
Auditory Cues:
- Amplification
- Auditory Feedback
Tactile Cues:
- Tools used in the mouth (e.g., tongue depressor, lollipop, Speech Buddy Tool)
- Gestural cues
Click here for a free download that outlines articulation therapy techniques to keep these tips close by for whenever you need them!

Speech Therapy Articulation Activities
These are some of my favorite activities for my younger students:
- Coloring
- Blocks
- Cars
- Puzzles
- Short Books
- Crafts
Anything to keep their little hands busy!
For my older students, some still love coloring and crafts, for most we do a lot of drill with some fun games thrown in. Plus some carryover activities.
Carryover Speech Therapy – Questions and Describing
Some of my go-to carryover activities:
- Story retell
- Picture scenes
- Describing
Story-Telling and Retell Activities – These can be as simple as using story dice or sequencing pictures to have students make-up their own story.
Picture Scenes – These speech therapy picture scenes for articulation can be used in carryover activities such as describing and story-telling. These can also be used at home – perfect for carry-over with speech therapy picture scenes. These pediatric speech therapy picture scenes are perfect for your preschool and elementary students.
Describing – Print and laminate the color picture scenes or objects to reuse over and over or display pictures on a tablet/laptop and ask the student to describe what is in the picture or what the object is used for. I also print the black-and-white scenes and copy them for each student so they can color them during the session and then take it home for extra practice. This is a great way to address carryover, especially for our younger students.
Speech Therapy Sentences Practice
Use the speech therapy worksheets to work on target sounds at all levels, including words, phrases, and sentences. The target word pages and reinforcers can be drilled at the word level or in modeled or self-generated phrases and sentences. The sentence completion pages are perfect for practice at the simple sentence level and the “wh” questions can be answered in phrases and sentences.
More Speech Therapy Worksheets, Activities, and Ideas:
Free Worksheets from Heather’s Speech Therapy
Don’t forget to check out my freebie library, access it here:
I hope you found the information about speech therapy worksheets helpful. Please leave a comment or shoot me an email if you want to share some of your favorite speech therapy worksheets and activities.